Bijin-ga 美人画 Ito Shinsui Catalogue Artworks by year 19161917191819191920192119221923192419251926192719281929193019311932193319341935193619371938193919401941194219431948194919501953195419551956196019621964196519671969197019761977197919801982198519911997 Artworks by series Eight Views of IzuEight Views of OmiFirst Collection of Modern BeautiesHotta Clock commissionOne Hundred Views of KamakuraSecond Collection of Modern BeautiesTen Views of ShinanoThree Themes of Still LifeThree Views of Mount FujiTwelve Figures of Modern BeautiesTwelve Views of Oshima Islands Artworks by publisher AdachiIsetatsuJapan Woodblock Crafts AssociationKaishin KogeishaKatsumuraMainichi ShimbunMomoseNagai GalleryNakaiTamondoUnsodoWatanabe ShozaburoYomiuri Shimbun Artworks by format AibanChubanDai obanDouble obanKuchi-eNagabanObanPochibukuroSensu fansShikishibanYatsugiri Artworks by subject AnimalsAutumnBathingBijin-gaBlossoms and FlowersBoatsBooks and MagazinesCalendarsCanals, Creeks and RiversCloudsFukei-gaJapanese EmpireMakeupMoonlightMountainsNighttimePathsPonds and LakesPortraitsPostcards and Greeting CardsRainSea and OceanShrines and TemplesSnowSpringStill LifeSummerSunriseSunsetTeaTheatreWindWinter Beautiful women Before the Mirror 1916 Woman of the Town 1916 After the Bath 1917 Spring A 1917 Spring B 1917 Passing Rain 1917 Battledore c. 1920 First Birds c. 1920 First Practice c. 1920 Woman Wearing an Under-Sash 1921 Woman at Her Makeup 1922 Bathing in Early Summer 1922 Summer Kimono 1922 Evening Cool 1922 Rouge (Lipstick) 1922 Woman from the [Oshima] Island 1922 Footwarmer (Kotatsu) 1923 Snowy Night 1923 Dancing 1923 Face Powder 1923 Singing of Insects 1923 Contemplating Spring 1923 Woman with Chignon (Marumage) 1924 Snowy Night 1925 Interval 1925 Evening Cool 1925 Snow is Coming 1926 Western Girl 1926 The Long Undergarment (Nagajuban) 1927 Drizzling Rain 1927 Eyebrow Pencil 1928 Black Neckband 1928 Woman Admiring Plum Blossoms in Snow 1929 New Cotton Kimono 1929 Mosquito Net 1929 Rouge (Lipstick) 1929 Collar for an Undergarment 1929 Clear Day in Autumn 1930 Gifu Paper Lantern 1930 After the Bath 1930 Fragrance of the Hot Springs 1930 Snow at the Shrine 1930 [Preparing Tea] c. 1930 [Moga Girls] c. 1930 Beginning of Spring c. 1930 Beauty under the Moon c. 1930 Hand Mirror 1931 Early Summer Rain 1931 Gathering Seashells 1931 Catching Fireflies 1931 Full Moon Viewing (Jugoya) 1931 Hazy Moon on a Spring Night 1931 Footwarmer (Kotatsu) 1931 Showa Era Beauty: Early Spring 1931 Fireworks 1932 Maiko Girl 1932 Snowstorm 1932 A Theatrical Dance entitled Dojoji 1932 A Japanese Woman (Kotatsu) 1932 Red Blossoms 1933 In Early Summer 1933 Hair 1934 Firefly 1934 Beauty in Makeup 1935 After Washing Her Hair 1936 Pupil of the Eye 1936 Nails 1936 Battledore 1938 Morning after Snow 1939 Snow 1941 Shinbashi Station 70 Years Ago 1942 Ideal Japanese Woman (Yamato nadeshiko) 1942 Summer Beauty and Bamboo c. 1949 Beauty and Plum Blossoms c. 1949 Hooded Woman (Okoso zukin) 1950 Kagami Jishi (Lion Dance) 1950 Washing the Hair 1953 Hand Mirror 1954 Whisper 1954 Backstage 1955 Green Garden 1956 Clear Autumn 1956 Yoshino Tayu 1956 Woman in Western Dress 1960 Woman After a Bath 1960 Clock and Beauty I (Tower Clock) 1962 Clock and Beauty II (Yakai Maki) 1964 Noh Dance - Kumano 1964 Tea Ceremony c. 1965 Clock and Beauty III (Bonbon Clock) 1967 Clock and Beauty IV (Red and White) 1969 Tea Ceremony c. 1970 Milky Way Festival 1976 After Bathing 1977 Spring Rain 1979 Garden in Autumn c. 1980 Spring Snow c. 1980 Steam c. 1980 An Ancient Beauty c. 1980 Snow Storm c. 1980 Spring 1982 First Shimada Hairstyle 1982 Beauty and Bush Clover 1982 Kanzashi Hairpin 1982 Arranging Chrysanthemums c. 1985 Beauty and Cherry Blossoms c. 1985 Firefly c. 1985 Garden in Early Summer c. 1985 Michitose c. 1985 Hand Mirror c. 1985 Whisper c. 1985 Strumming 1991 Spring Evening 1997