Twelve Subjects of Children 子供十二題 Kawase Hasui Catalogue Artworks by year 1918191919201921192219231924192519261927192819291930193119321933193419351936193719381939194019411942194319441945194619471948194919501951195219531954195519561957 Artworks by series Collected Views of Japan II, Kansai ed.Collected Views of Japan, Eastern Japan Ed.Collected Views of Kennan Mountain Villa in Moto-Hakone (aiban)Collected Views of Kennan Mountain Villa in Moto-Hakone (postcard)Eight Views of IbarakiEight Views of KoreaFujiya HotelIbaraki Christian SchoolJapan Trade MonthlyLantern-print calendarNew Eight Views of Japan (oban)New Eight Views of Japan (postcard)One Hundred Famous RestaurantsOne-hundred Views of New TokyoPacific Transport Lines calendarSelected Views of JapanSelected Views of the Tokaido RoadShinto and Its Architecture bookSigned by TomoeSouvenirs of Travel ISouvenirs of Travel ⅡSouvenirs of Travel ⅢThe Japanese DollsThe Mitsubishi Villa in FukagawaTwelve Months of TokyoTwelve Scenes of TokyoTwelve Subjects of ChildrenTwelve Views of Fan PrintsTwenty Views of TokyoViews of KoreaYamamoto Nori-ten Artworks by publisher Bijutsusha (Tokyo)Doi SadaichiFujiwaraHojudoIsetatsuJapan Welcome SocietyKansai Bijutsusha (Osaka)Kato JunjiKawaguchiMainichi ShimbunMitsukoshi Department StoreNoriki TokubeSakai & KawaguchiShimbi ShoinToa Kanko Publishing, TokyoTokyo ShobidoWatanabe ShozaburoYoshusha Artworks by format AibanChubanDai obanDouble obanFirst day cover (FDC)KobanLantern shapedMitsugiriNagabanObanRoundShikishibanSmall CardYatsugiri Artworks by subject Aizuri-eAnimalsAutomobilesAutumnBlossoms and FlowersBoatsBooks and MagazinesBridgesCalendarsCanals, Creeks and RiversCastlesChildren and ToysChinaCloudsFan printsForestsGardensKabukiKoreaKyotoMisattributed to HasuiMistMoonlightMountainsNighttimePathsPonds and LakesPortraits and Large FiguresPostcards and Greeting CardsRainSchools and UniversitiesSea and OceanShrines and TemplesSnowSpringSummerSunriseSunsetTokyoTowns and VillagesWaterfallsWindWinter Only 2 prints were published in this series. A Handball 1931 A Doll 1931