Maiko (Apprentice Geisha)
Shimura Tatsumi
- Artist
- Shimura Tatsumi 志村立美
- Title
- Maiko (Apprentice Geisha) 舞妓
- Original publication date
- This publication date
- Publisher
- Yuyudo 悠々洞出版
- Carver
- Maeda Kentaro 前田謙太郎 (1891-1987)
- Printer
- Sato Ritsuzo 佐藤律三
- Medium
- Colour woodblock print on paper 木版画
- Paper dimensions (h × w)
- 41.0 × 47.0 cm
- Image dimensions (h × w)
- 36.8 × 43.0 cm
- Price
- Sold
- Condition and remarks
- Edition of 200
- References
- Reference number
- M286
- Supplementary images