Onchi Koshiro in Earlier Days 1944 Sekino Jun'ichiro Catalogue ArtistSekino Jun'ichiro 関野凖一郎 English titleOnchi Koshiro in Earlier Days Japanese title若き日の恩地孝四郎 Series Date1944 MediumColour woodblock print on paper Paper size (h × w)Oban 大判36.0 × 28.0 cm Image size (h × w) First edition seal Subsequent sealsEdition size30 PublisherSelf-published Carver Printer SubjectsPortraitsRemarksFrom First Thursday Collection 一木集. Note that stamped signature appeared to be edition of 100, and pencil-signed signature was edition of 30 (see embossed edition numbers in detail below). Catalogue numberSJ87 (1997 no.52) Supplementary images Signature detail (0.03MB)