Yoshiwara, Mount Fuji and Cherry Blossoms (Tokaido station 14) 1974 Sekino Jun'ichiro Catalogue ArtistSekino Jun'ichiro 関野凖一郎 English titleYoshiwara, Mount Fuji and Cherry Blossoms (Tokaido station 14) Japanese title吉原 富士と桜 SeriesFifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido 東海道五十三次 Date1974 MediumColour woodblock print on paper Paper size (h × w)Double oban 大倍判41.5 × 55.0 cm Image size (h × w)32.5 × 45.5 cm First edition seal Subsequent sealsEdition sizeOpen PublisherSelf-published Carver Printer SubjectsMountainsBlossoms and FlowersNighttimeRemarksSekino wrote (1974) that he didn't like the original 1960 Yoshiwara print and so replaced it. The original 1960 print was reissued as Fuji Sunrise (see below). Based on Daigo Cherry Blossoms by Fire Light 1970. Catalogue numberSJ15 (1997 no.546) Supplementary images Yoshiwara Fuji Sunrise 1960 (0.16MB)